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(will open in new window)The End of Diabetes: The Eat to Live Plan to Prevent and Reverse Diabetes
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There are various brands of insulin that are available but in every brand there are two varied kinds of insulin that are used to control juvenile diabetes. One is known as fast-acting insulin ? once it is injected it acts rapidly in your child’s system. The other type of insulin is named slow-acting or last-lasting and as the name implies it is in the child’s system longer.
For most folks with diabetes a combination of the two kinds of insulin is required. They can be combined together in one syringe or they can be taken separately at different instances in the day. In children, the two different types of insulin will still react at different times for each individual.
For some the fast-acting insulin will start to work right now and could be used up in a short period of time. In this case, they may have to have a second or even third injection of fast-acting insulin in the course of the day. These are the children who may desire to consider an insulin pump to diminish the number of injections they are having in a day. An insulin pump will also award them with a steady amount of the fast-acting insulin as they require it.
The long-acting insulin sits in a child’s body for some time before it is put to use. The amount of time is going to modify by small tot. Ideally, once the fast-acting insulin has done its work, the long-acting insulin will take over keeping a steady provide of insulin.
The combination of the two insulins and how they work together makes planning extremely important. After some time you will be able to determine how your little lad reacts to each of the different types of insulins. Planning meals and activities around how the insulin works is important not just when the injection is given.
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The End of Diabetes: The Eat to Live Plan to Prevent and Reverse Diabetes