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The End of Diabetes: The Eat to Live Plan to Prevent and Reverse Diabetes
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November is Diabetes Awareness Month and it is a vast time to educate, advocate and bring awareness to a affliction that is sadly misunderstood by many. Some men and women living with diabetes choose to be loud and proud and share their journey with others, while others may choose to stay quiet and do nothing at all. There is no right way to go about this month, but there are a few things you can do to aid support, save, and inspire others.
Here are five things you can do for Diabetes Awareness Month:
Support Small Business
There are many businesses within our community that work hard to help us live a better life with diabetes. A lot of these organizations offer products that make our lives easier. Some companies, like Pump Peelz and Skingrip, create adhesives for continuous glucose monitors and pumps that are a whole lot better than the adhesives that come in with the devices; they keep your tech secure, are gentler on your skin, and they help you look good while doing it. Others, like InPen, help make taking multiple daily injections a lot easier by offering pump-like data-tracking features for people that prefer to use insulin pens (read my review). Others, like ChipMonk and NRG Bites, are low-carb snacks that allow us to eat delicious food without sabotaging our blood sugars. This is a big time to help these companies after a terrible few financial years for all. We’d love to see these businesses around for a long time to come!
Use Your Social Platform
Social media is a great way to give your buddies and acquaintances the lowdown on what this disease is really all about. Not sure what to post? Many of our friends within the community, like Project Blue November, create challenges for each day of the month so you can cover quite a variety of topics and let people realize more about what you go through. You can also use your social media to express your concerns about issues such as insulin affordability, or even to just vent the frustrations you may have with your care or the medical establishment. Social media is a real tool for change – grassroots messaging over the insulin affordability crisis, for example, has helped make the issue nationally prominent and convinced a ton of Americans to advocate legislation capping insulin prices. Make your voice heard, this is a great platform and time to do it!
Connect with Others
Social media is not only great for educating people outside of the diabetes community – it’s also great for creating relationships with others who walk the same path. My entire outlook on this disease changed once I found the diabetes online community and I know of many who feel the same way. You can see people who are living their best life despite this disease, you can become aware of a few new low-carb recipes, and even maybe get lucky like me and find others locally that you can get together in person with. This disease is hard to navigate, and knowing others who are going through the same things can be incredibly important. If you’ve figured out a thing or two about your life with diabetes, please consider sharing with an online community, such as our own forum. Your advice or perspective might be just what someone else is looking for.
Find Ways to Save
With the holidays coming, it is an expensive time for everyone. Diabetes can be a extremely expensive disease, especially in the United States and other nations without robust social health care programs. It’s a great month to instruct yourself on patient assistance programs, rebates, and coupons available for all of your medications and supplies. Many of the big diabetes pharmaceutical and technology companies use this month to advertise, so you may be capable to get some discounts. And don’t forget how soon the end of the year is. You have likely already reached your deductible, so order as many supplies as you can before the year is up! It’s also the right time of year to reevaluate your health insurance. Learn more about selecting the right health insurance for you and your family so you are well prepared and knowledgeable when the time comes.
Get Involved
There is a lot you can do to help others going through this journey. You can get involved with your local ADA or JDRF chapter. You can get involved with planning a walk, volunteering at an event, or even training to work with the newly diagnosed. There are also some great retreats and conferences that you should think about attending, you may learn something and make some new friends! There are a lot of rewarding opportunities and these companies and individuals need participation and support!
Diabetes Awareness Month means something different for everyone. Do you plan on being vocal this month or commemorating the month in any way? If you do, you will be sure to educate and inspire others!
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The End of Diabetes: The Eat to Live Plan to Prevent and Reverse Diabetes