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The End of Diabetes: The Eat to Live Plan to Prevent and Reverse Diabetes
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QRepublik ID Medical Alert Card – with Smartphone Access
- Medical Alert Card help to save lives and provide priceless peace of mind by telling first responders.
- HOW DOES IT WORK? There are 2 moisture and tear-resistant pockets in the waterproof allergy medic alert card for papers with the owner’s full name, address, and QR code, from which can be obtained the medical data of the card owner. Information about allergies, chronic diseases, previous surgeries, medications, and medical insurance policy are always with you, in a convenient ID Card.
- Adjustable to fit children and adults, making a large medical ID card or emergency ID card
- CONSTRUCTION & USABILITY. The size of this convenient card – suitable for men, women, children.. When the QR code is scanned, , your relatives (contact persons) receive an incident notification with the location of the ID reading.
- Great diabetic card, allergy bracelet, and medical card for heart disease, epilepsy, autism, diabetes, and more.
What are the benefits of wearing the QRepublik Medical Alert ID Card? Having a medical condition should never hold you back. You can do the daily activities you love, and with QRepublik Medical ID card , you donêt have to worry about receiving proper care in the event of an emergency. These medical card are custom to you, alerting First Responders to your allergies and other conditions, even if you’re unable to speak for yourself. They are great allergy card, diabetes cards, and medical cards f
List Price: $ 7.99
Price: $ 5.35
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The End of Diabetes: The Eat to Live Plan to Prevent and Reverse Diabetes